Lilleateljee Tallinna kesklinnas
Artishok sündis aastal 2014. Lilleateljee on lõputus tantsus mineviku, oleviku, tuleviku ja looduse, inimese, kunsti ning moodsa elukeskkonnaga. Artishoki looja ja ateljee omanik Yulia Medvedyeva on kunstnik ja rahvusvaheline meisterflorist, kellel on üle 20 aasta kogemust. Tema dünaamiline ateljee juhtimine inspireerib ka nõudlikumat klienti lillesalongi ikka ja jälle külastama.
“Artishoki eesmärk on panna sind ja sinu lähedasi laiemalt naeratama. Soovime oma loominguga tuua esile siirad ja värsked emotsioonid ühendades kunsti ja meisterlikkuse. Ettevõtmiste suurus ei ole oluline. Igapäevased lillevalikud, sisehaljastus või pöörane eriprojekt – me oleme kõigiks väljakutseteks valmis.”
Osalused ja auhinnad
* Flower Time eriprojekt, Brüssel 2019
* Flower Moments (Goyangi Rahvusvaheline Lillefestival), Korea 2019
* Demonstratsioon ja seminar Taipei/Hong Hong 2019
* Rahvusvaheline Lilletrendide foorum Pekingis, Hiinas 2019
* Eesti Meister 2018
* Rahvusvaheline Orhideenäitus, Hiina 2018
* Osalus Flower Fundamentals projektis. Flower Fundamentals esindaja Eestis 2017
* Rahvusvaheline Lillefestival Jaapanis 2016. Parim kujundus, laua dekoratsioon – Kolmas koht. Garden and Flower Show võistlus – Esikoht
* Osalus Europa Cup 2016
* Rahvusvaheline Flower Design võistlus ’’Arteflorando’’ 2015, Itaalia- Kolmas koht
* Eesti Meister 2014
* Eesti Meister 2012
* Osalus Russia Open Cup 2012
* Eesti Juuniorite Meister 2009

An atelier and floral house based in Tallinn, Estonia
Born in 2014, Artishok flower atelier is a never-ending dance of past and future, nature and urban, art and human. Guided by the dynamic hand of Yulia Medvedyeva, an artist and an international floral master with over 20 years of experience, it has always been a source of inspiration for the guests.
“In Artishok, we are creating the reason for you and your closest ones to smile wider. Our atelier aims to bring that fresh emotion to your doorstep by merging art and mastery. The volume is not an issue. Whether it is through classic flowers, interior plantscapes or wild projects, we are on it!”

* Flower Time project, Brussels 2019
* Flower Moments project, Korea 2019
* Flower Demonstration and seminar in Taipei and Honk Hong 2019
* The 2019 International Floral Design Trend Forum held in Beijing, China
* Estonian Champion 2018
* The International Orchid Show Sanja/ China 2018
* Participation Flower Fundamentals projekt. Flower Fundamentals Ambassador 2017
* International Flower Show Japan 2016 Main floral design, table decoration-Bronze medal. Flower Battle at Garden and Flower Show- Winner
* Participation Europa Cup 2016
* International Flower Design Competition ’’Arteflorando’’ 2015, Italy- 3. place
* Estonian Champion 2014
* Estonian Champion 2012
* Participation Russia Open Cup 2012
* Estonian Junior Champion 2009
Hi, I am Yulia! Art has always taken a great part in my life that led me to getting a degree in modeling art as an art teacher. Soon the focus moved to a flower modeling, which has been my vast field for work and passion for more than twenty years for now. I have been successfully participating in numerous floral art competitions including Estonian Florist Cup 2012 and 2014, receiving the title of champion of the country, next to recent important floral competitions in Russia and Italy. Moreover, I proudly represented Estonian floristic participating in European Florist Cup 2016 in Genoa. I am happily running my own floral atelier “Artishok”. Next to atelier and competition period I am keeping myself tuned in creating wedding projects and demos in my country but also overseas. I am fond of the good craftsmanship in combination with the beauty of the wild nature, so in my works I try to play with different shapes and textures, making each of the compositions innovative and spicy looking.
The Best of Professionals

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